Thanks to the American Wild Horse Campaign for sending this easy way to send comments to the BLM. The BLM is within weeks of rounding up 90% of the Onaqui Herd and removing nearly 400 of these beautiful horses to spend the rest of their lives in a pen somewhere in the Mid-West. We are so lucky to have this herd within an hour drive from Salt Lake.
The BLM doesn’t seem concerned about reducing the 2,500 head of sheep and the 2,000 head of cows it grazes in the Onaqui Herd Management Area. According to the BLM only the 500 head of Wild Horses need to be reduced. Please follow the link below to submit your comments to the BLM.
Earlier this week, we wrote you about the urgent need to speak up for the wild horses in the Onaqui HMA in Utah. Many of you had trouble with the BLM site that was accepting public comments, so now we have secured an easier and more reliable way to submit comments.
Please take action today to stop the removal of 379 cherished Onaqui horses from their homes on our public lands.
The AWHC Team
American Wild Horse Campaign
P.O. Box 1733
Davis, CA 95617
United States