The west desert never disappoints. Although we had spent a couple of hours with the herd in the Davis Mountain area, we decided to go South before the North herd went to water. That was a mistake. The North herd traveled all the way to the trough watering hole to water and we missed the stampede. Luckily, there were many bands behind the main herd so we were able to capture them coming through the pass! The dust was incredibly thick. Another fantastic trip to this magnificent national treasure (that the BLM wants to eliminate).

Onaqui Wild Horses – Extreme Dusty Mid-August
The west desert never disappoints. Although we had spent a couple of hours with the herd in the Davis Mountain area, we decided to go South before the North herd went to water. That was a mistake. The North herd traveled all the way to the trough watering hole to water and we missed the stampede. Luckily, there were many bands behind the main herd so we were able to capture them coming through the pass! The dust was incredibly thick. Another fantastic trip to this magnificent national treasure (that the BLM wants to eliminate).
Posted in Uncategorized and tagged dust clouds wild horses, dusty wild horses, herd of wild horses, wild horse photography, wild horses, wild horses in dust.
Marvelous pictures.
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