Finally getting around to posting photographs of our latest trip to the Onaqui herd of wild horses in Utah’s West Desert. The ranchers have shut off access to all watering holes on the Davis Mountain side (North herd). The North herd is sometimes feeding in the area North of Davis Mountain but they have to travel all the way to the trough watering hole to water. Not sure if they are watering both morning and evening, we have only been out there in the evening. On this trip the “North” herd was feeding just South of the trough, but after their evening drink the RAN all the way back to the area between Dugway and Davis Mountain. What a sight! It was right at sunset but the dust lingered in the valleys seemingly forever. Look closely at the panoramic images at sunset. The “white” sliver of light is the dust left as the entire herd (near 300 horses) ran through the valley on the way to where they would rest and feed the next day. It’s too bad the image size has to be significantly downsized. The full-resolution panorama (about 12 images stitched together) is amazing. THE ONAQUI HERD NEVER DISAPPOINTS!!!!

Onaqui Photographs – Utah Wild Horses – Huge Dust Clouds
Posted in Uncategorized and tagged horses, wild horse photographs, wild horse photography, wild horses, wild mustangs.