I had another great trip to photograph the Onaqui Herd of wild horses in Utah’s West Desert. The “North herd” was near the “trough watering hole” and the South herd was South of Simpson Springs. It’s hard to have a bad day with this herd. The rainbow that was out for a short time was a welcome addition to another perfect afternoon.
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Onaqui Wild Horses Herd Takes Over Valley
Wow! What a sight. The entire North herd (approximately 250 horses take off on a full (single file) run after being immobilized for nearly an hour by a huge rainstorm. You could feel the earth tremble as they ran past. Then, they disappeared over the crest of the hill. We looked for nearly an hour before we spotted them coming over the crest of the nearby hill, into this beautiful valley! I could have watched them all night! (I guess we really did). Then the lightning started. I was lucky enough to catch the lightning with the horses in the foreground. And to top off the perfect evening, the “Old Man” came by for a visit. What a night….
Visit to Photograph Onaqui Herd of Wild Horses May 30
I had the pleasure to visit and do some photography of the Onaqui herd last week. It wasn’t supposed to be a photography trip necessarily, but the sky and lighting conditions demanded that I seize the opportunity to photograph them. It’s funny how sometimes I don’t expect to end up with very many “keepers” but it is usually those trips that I end up with more keepers than I had ever expected. That was the case with this trip. I had three, (very enthusiastic), wild horse advocates with me. As is always the case, it was another magical trip. I hope to continue to be a support to Sonja and the Wild Horse Sanctuary. She has rescued 8 (yes eight!) wild horses that were destined for death or being penned up in corrals for the rest of their lives. My photographs can be ordered and purchased at her sanctuary in Park City and those proceeds are donated to her organization. We also plan on auctioning off trips to see/photograph the Onaqui herd that will be hosted by myself.
Article In Sandy Journal About Onaqui
I was very lucky to be contacted by a gifted writer who wanted to write an article about myself and the Onaqui wild horses. Linnea Lundgren is that writer and her article was published in the Sandy Journal yesterday. Here is a link to that article. https://www.sandyjournal.com/2019/05/29/200691/for-the-love-of-wild-horses-a-photographer-s-story
Thank you again Linnea
Visit to the Onaqui Herd by YEEHAAA and Salt Lake Center for Science Education Students
I had the privilege of taking some students from the Salt Lake Center for Science & Education (SLCSES) out to see the Onaqui Herd. This was in conjunction with the “Youth Edification Equine Human Association and Alliance” (YEEHAAA). It has been raining constantly this spring and I have never seen so much rain! The difficulty that presents is that the herd is not using the watering holes so they can be difficult to locate and even more difficult to get to if they are off the main roads. The side roads are almost impassable. We did luck out (I had gone out the night before to locate the herd) and found the herd where they located the previous evening very close to the road. I believe the students appreciated this magnificent national treasure we are lucky enough to have in our “back-yard”. We were able to walk to the horses and they seemed to have a good time interacting with these wonderful animals. We only had about 1 1/2 hours to be with the horses in order to get the students back to the school by 3:30. We ran into a very nice group of folks from Salt Lake that brought a relative that lives in England to see this wonderful herd of wild horses! I only with the BLM could realize how devastating it will be for future visitors if they remove 80% of the herd. HOW SENSELESS!!!! The stallions seem especially aggressive this spring. Lots of fights!!!
Wild Horses Threatened Again!
I just received this notification from the American Wild Horse Campaign (see below). They are a wonderful organization that is putting pressure on the BLM to partner with them an the Salt River Wild Horse Management group to use PZP and NOT ROUNDUPS to manage the Onaqui Herd to reasonable numbers. Please consider clicking on the link to contact your representative in Congress to stop the proposed legislation to slaughter 15,000 to 20,000 wild horses a year.
Dear Greig,
Wild horses face an unprecedented attack. The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association and other pro-slaughter groups have cut a deal on Capitol Hill that would result in the roundup of 15,000 to 20,000 wild horses a year. The plan will result in more cruel roundups, more horses in captivity, and more of our public lands used for cattle interests.
This is a disastrous plan all-around. It actually increases the risk of slaughter by funneling more mustangs and burros into an already overburdened and costly government holding, with no guarantees of funding for their lifetime care. The language throughout this plan is so vague that it leaves inhumane sterilization methods squarely on the table. And the real kicker – it will cost taxpayers a billion dollars.
It is true that some humane groups, including the ASPCA and HSUS, are misguidedly supporting this deal in hopes that the BLM will use fertility and not kill horses. But we think wild horses and burros deserve more than hopes.
The only winners in this “plan” are the wealthy cattle interests and their lobbyists. Wild horses and taxpayers lose.
Be the voice for wild horses right now. Contact your Representative.
Thank you,
Suzanne Roy
American Wild Horse Campaign
P.O. Box 1733
Davis, CA 95617
Amazing Purple Flowers – Utah’s West Desert – Onaqui WIld Horses
In the eight years I have been photographing the Onaqui herd of wild horses in Utah’s West Desert, I have never seen the desert this colorful. The purples were AMAZING. Not sure what weed it is that produces these purple blossoms but it is breathtaking! The horses don’t eat this particular weed, but they seem to graze right at the edge of the purple blossoms. If you are planning a trip in the near future, I hope the purple blooms are still there for your trip! We had to search all day to find the “main North” herd. It was nice to see the “Old Man”. Did not find “The Ghost” on this visit… If you are coming from the North, I strongly suggest you enter the HMA via the Pony Express road from Faust, rather than Dugway. The dirt road from Dugway is still a huge mess! Many more images to process. More to come.